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The Event...

On behalf of both of us (Russ Marsh and Tim Gray), we welcome you to our website and hope that you can find out all the information you require about the Forces Carp Classic or FCC.


The event takes place each year in October and brings together as many carp anglers from across the services as possible. In essence, it is a pairs and team competition held over a week, on a venue in France with cash and prizes available to those lucky enough to win, either their lake, overall or the team event.  This format has proven to be the best and helps massively by allowing everyone a chance of winning something from the lake that they find themselves fishing for the week.


We have a motto that we use when organising these events, which is:


"Firm, fair and friendly"


with our emphasis on everyone enjoying themselves as much as possible.


So far from the reports we have had back from competitors this is exactly what we have achieved and we will endeavor to keep this going.  Please feel free to have a look around and get in touch with us via the 'Apply' tab.  A small deposit will secure your place at the event.  Once confirmed that we have received the fee you will receive confirmation of your place at the event.


Once all places are taken we will operate a reserve list and all those that have paid their deposit will sit higher on this list.  We have found that in previous years we ALWAYS loose pairs throughout the year so there is every chance that despite being on this reserve list you will still get a chance to fish.  In 2013 we had 10 pairs on the list and all 10 pairs ending up fishing.  In fact we even had to chase for one final pair with just a week to go.  Pairs pull out all of the time sadly this is part of our “military” life and many who are planning to attend will, undoubtedly fall by the way side due to work commitments, so there is a VERY good chance that despite being on the reserve list you will still stand a very good chance of fishing.  Regardless, we would say to you to just pay the small deposit and worst case scenario you will have first option next year on attending the event.


Both Russ and I endeavor to give all anglers the best possible event for your money and you will see that to fish our event and have a chance to win all the prizes and money is only a little more than you do actually pay to go to the venue and fish the lakes yourself for a week.  So please pass on these details to all of your mates/friends who are eligible to enter.


Russ and Tim




13 FCC 2019 (100 x Anglers)
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